Hamas at Forefront of Anti-Israeli Resistance: IRGC

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps denied a story claiming an IRGC adviser has accused the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas of negotiating with Israel, and praised Hamas for being at the forefront of the Palestinian nation’s battle against the Zionist regime of Israel.

In a statement on Monday, the IRGC Public Relations department rejected a recent report by a domestic news agency that had incorrectly quoted an IRGC adviser on negotiations between Hamas and Israel.

“There is no doubt that the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, which has dealt a heavy blow to the Zionist regime and inflicted humiliating defeats on it in the 22-day, 51-day and 8-day wars, is at the forefront of the Palestinian nation’s anti-Zionist resistance and struggle,” the statement said.

The Palestinian nation’s experience in the battle against the Israeli regime demonstrates that “negotiation and compromise” would only encourage the Zionist enemy in its policy of continued occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people, it added.

The statement also referred to resistance as the only strategy that will help Palestine achieve its goals, hailing Hamas and other genuine Palestinian fighters for pursuing that strategy in recent years.

It finally made it clear that the IRGC’s stances are announced in formal statements or by the IRGC commander, describing any other comments as personal and unofficial.