Iraq to Employ New Bomb Detection Equipment

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Following recent deadly bombings that ripped through Baghdad, Iraq’s security forces are going to utilize new vehicles and devices to detect bombs and weapons.

The bomb detection machines and vehicles will soon be used at checkpoints, entrances to the cities, airports and government buildings across the Arab country.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordered the purchase of the new equipment after the deadly terrorist attacks in Baghdad’s Karada district earlier in July.

The prime minister has also issued an order to discard the old explosive detection units, some of which were proved to be fake.

Last week, Iraq’s Health Ministry said the death toll from the massive suicide bombing in Baghdad on July 3 has reached 250.

Hundreds were also wounded in the attack, when a truck packed with explosives blew up in a busy shopping street filled with people.

Daesh (ISIL), the terrorist group controlling parts of Iraq and Syria, claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement circulated by its supporters online.