Iran’s Intelligence Minister Says More Terrorist Elements Identified

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alawi said interrogation of a number of individuals affiliated with terrorist groups has led to the identification of a number of new operatives, ringleaders and links, who will be captured at an appropriate time.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Tuesday, Alawi said the Intelligence Ministry has recently arrested 6 people with links with the terrorist groups who had plans to carry out attacks in Iran during religious events in the holy month of Ramadan and on the International Quds Day, which was marked on July 1.

According to the minister, a recent extensive operation that foiled a series of terrorist attacks across the country and led to the arrest of a number of Takfiri-Wahhabi terrorists was only one of the many operations that was made public.

Many terrorist groups had already masterminded plots to attack crowded places like subway stations, Friday Prayers venues and universities on various occasions, such as religious events, Nowruz (new year festivities) and other gatherings and demonstrations, he explained.

Alawi also noted that before and after the recent arrest of Takfiri terrorists, the Intelligence Ministry forces raided many houses used for making bombs, and confiscated the equipment and precursor chemical compounds that the terrorists were going to use.

According to the minister, the captured elements are mainly affiliated with the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group.

On June 20, the Intelligence Ministry announced in a statement that its agents thwarted a major plot by the Takfiri-Wahhabi groups for a series of bombing raids across the country during religious events in Ramadan.

10 Takfiri-Wahhabi terrorists were arrested in Tehran and three border and central provinces of the country before performing different operations including planting bombs, detonation of remote control bombs, suicide attacks, and blowing up explosive-laden vehicles.