Anti-Saudi Protest Held in Washington on Anniversary of Baqee Destruction (+Photos)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Tasnim) – Hundreds of Muslims staged a protest rally in front of the Saudi Embassy in Washington on the anniversary of the Saudi regime’s move to destroy al-Baqee cemetery, the first-ever Islamic cemetery personally founded by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

According to Tasnim dispatches, the demonstration was held on Wednesday in remembrance of a multitude of Islamic heritage sites that were destroyed by the Al Saud dynasty upon assuming power nine decades ago.

During the rally, organized by the Chicago-based Baqee Organization which stands for the defense and conservation of the Islamic heritage, the protesters marched from the Saudi Embassy to the White House. 

Chanting slogans against the Riyadh regime and its ideology of Wahhabism, the demonstrators carried various placards, saying “Stop Destroying Islamic Heritage” and “ISIS/ISIL = Wahabi”, among others.

On April 21, 1926, King Ibn Saud destroyed al-Baqee cemetery where some of Islam’s most noble personalities, including family members of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), are buried.

In the same year, he also demolished the tombs of holy persons at Mualla Cemetery in Mecca where Khadijah, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his grandfather and other ancestors are buried.