Daesh Claims Responsibility for Truck Attack in Nice: Reports

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - In a statement carried by the Daesh-affiliated Amaq news agency, the terror group claimed responsibility on Saturday for the truck attack in Nice, France, that left 84 people dead.

Earlier, French authorities had said they were unaware of any links between the attack suspect, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, and terror groups, but his actions had been in line with terrorists’ calls for lone-wolf attacks on Europe and the US.

"Yes, it is a terrorist act and we shall see what links there are with terrorist organizations," French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said on Friday. 

“This sort of thing fits perfectly with calls for murder from such terrorist organizations,” French prosecutor Francois Molins also said.

The tragedy in Nice became the third major terror attack to rock France in less than two years, The Russia Today reported.

Eighty-four people were killed and up to 200 sustained injuries in the resort city of Nice, including 10 children and teenagers.