5 Palestinians Injured with Live Fire during Israeli Demolition of Prisoner's Home

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Five Palestinian civilians were injured by Israeli live fire during the pre-dawn hours of Monday, as Israeli forces carried out the punitive home demolition of Palestinian prisoner Bilal Ahmed Abu Zeid.

Under the protection of armed Israeli soldiers, bulldozers entered the town of Qabatiya in the Jenin district early Monday morning, where they demolished the home of Abu Zeid, who was accused of transferring weapons to the attackers suspected in the killing of a 19-year-old Israeli border police officer and wounding of one other outside the Damascus Gate in occupied East al-Quds (East Jerusalem) in February.

Kamal Abu al-Rub, deputy governor of the city of Jenin told Ma’an that Israeli forces began the demolition process at three o'clock in the morning near the main road of Qabatiya, where the house was located.

Abu al-Rub added that five young men were wounded by live ammunition during clashes with Israeli troops, with one in serious condition, Ma'an News Agency reported.

Home demolitions are characteristic of the punitive measures Israel frequently take against Palestinian prisoners, their families, and towns. Since the recent wave of unrest began, punitive home demolitions were expedited at the request of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in mid-October, and many have been carried out across the occupied Palestinian territory since.