Spokesman Rejects US Claims about Presence of Al-Qaeda Members in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry on Monday censured recent claims made by the US about presence of members of al-Qaeda militant group in Iran, stressing the Islamic Republic has always seriously pursued the fight against terrorism.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi made the remarks on Tuesday in reaction to a recent report, saying that the US Treasury has blacklisted three members of al-Qaeda "living" in Iran.

“The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has always underlined its firm determination to fight terrorist groups and has taken all necessary measures in line with relevant international obligations,” he said.

Iran has no information about the presence of al-Qaeda elements on its soil, Qassemi added.

In the meantime, the Iranian spokesman called on the US administration to stop making generalizations about the matter, and instead share detailed information to facilitate concerted global action against terrorism.

On Wednesday, the US Treasury blacklisted three members of al-Qaeda reportedly living in Iran, claiming they “had helped the Islamist militant group on the battlefield, with finance and logistics, and in mediating with Iranian authorities.”