Iran Condemns Bomb Attacks in Syria’s Qamishli

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry condemned deadly bomb blasts claimed by Daesh that killed dozens of people in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli on Wednesday, reiterating Tehran’s call for concerted action against extremist ideologies.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi expressed condolences to families of victims of the bloody attack.

Branding terrorism as a common threat to the regional and global peace and security, Qassemi said tackling terrorism should start with a battle on its root causes, namely the radical, extremist and Takfiri ideologies which have been unfairly introduced as Islam.

He also called for efforts to cut off financial and military aids to the terrorist groups.

On Wednesday, two explosions struck the predominantly Kurdish town of Qamishli, killing at least 50 people and wounding dozens.

Syrian state TV said a truck loaded with explosives blew up on the western edge of the city, near the Turkish border. Minutes later, a motorcycle also packed with explosives blew up in the same area.

Daesh (ISIL) terrorist groups had claimed responsibility for the attack.

The notorious groups has carried out several bombings in Kurdish areas in Syria in the past.