Daesh Allegedly Threatens Russia with Terror Attacks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group released a video urging extremists to attack Russia, however the authenticity of the video could not be confirmed.

The link to the video has been loaded to the Telegram account used by the terrorists.

The video lasts nine minutes and ends with a masked man addressing Russian President Vladimir Putin and urging Daesh supporters to attack Russia, Sputnik reported. 

The notorious Daesh terrorist group has seized territories in Iraq and Syria, forcing thousands of people to flee their homes. The terror group has gained notoriety for its human rights atrocities, such as public beheadings of foreign journalists.

Daesh and its affiliates have claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks carried out in various parts of the world, including the July 14 Nice attack and the the March 22 Brussels attacks.