Syrian Military Needs More Funds, Arms to Liberate Aleppo, Eradicate Terrorists: German Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A German political analyst said the Syrian army needs more financial and military aid to be able to win the ongoing Aleppo battle and fully eliminate terrorist groups in the flashpoint city.

“The major problem of the Syrian war is the ‘war economy’: The Syrian forces have limited resources in soldiers, weaponry, ammunition and financial means, while the terrorist forces have unlimited resources,” Manuel Ochsenreiter, the director of German Center for Eurasian Studies, told Tasnim on Wednesday.

He added that foreign supporters of the terrorists will not “sit and wait for the defeat of their proxies.”

Following is the full text of the interview.

Q: As you know Aleppo has been divided between government forces in the west and militants in the east since 2012, a year after the conflict broke out in Syria. Experts believe that the Aleppo battle will determine Syria’s fate. What is your perspective on this?

A: The Syrian Army and its allies are pushing terrorists back in militant-controlled areas of Aleppo as part of a huge military operation aimed at fully liberating the embattled northwestern city from the grip of extremists.

Aleppo is one of the most decisive battle grounds in Syria – a full victory against the terrorist forces wouldn´t have just a symbolical meaning. The foreign-backed terrorist forces made parts of the city to one of their strongholds because the geographical position, it is close to the terrorist supply routes from Turkey.

But we shouldn´t be naïve: The foreign supporters of the terrorist forces in Aleppo will not just sit and wait for the defeat of their proxies. They will also receive reinforcements.

The major problem of the Syrian war is the “war economy”: The Syrian forces have limited resources in soldiers, weaponry, ammunition and financial means, while the terrorist forces have unlimited resources.

What does that mean? It is not enough for the Syrian Arab Army and its allies to win battles, they have to completely erase any terrorist bridgehead on the Syrian territory. Aleppo is one of these strategic bridgeheads.

Q: Takfiri Terrorists in Aleppo have reportedly resorted to chemical attacks to break a siege by the Syrian army on the northwestern city. It seems that the militants are showing dogged determination not to lose the ground in the flashpoint city. What do you think?

A: The terrorist forces are right now fighting for their strategic bridgehead in Aleppo. They know: As long as they keep some ground occupied and at least one supply line open they will receive war resources.

Taking this into account it is logical that the terrorist forces will defend their bridgehead – with foreign support – to the last bullet, the last drop of blood and to the last breath. They will also use any means to defend the bridgehead including more horrible war crimes against civilians.

Q: What should Syria’s allies, including Russia and Iran do at this juncture?

A: Moscow and Tehran understand very well the strategic meaning of liberating Aleppo. Both know: Even if the Syrian Army and its Russian and Iranian allies have plenty [of] victories in battles in Aleppo but don't erase the terrorist bases there 100 percent reinforcements for the terrorists will come again – and everything might start again from the beginning. In my opinion, Damascus, Moscow and Tehran have no choice in this decisive battle: There is only the option of a 100 percent victory including an unconditional surrender of the terrorist forces. Any agreement which leaves the terrorist groups some limited ground in Aleppo or the countryside includes the risk of foreign supplies reaching these terrorist strongholds again.