Time for US to Choose between Gulen and Turkey: Erdogan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The United States must choose between siding with a democratic Turkey or the US-based businessman Fethullah Gulen, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in an address to a huge crowd in Ankara.

Erdogan’s comments came after repeated requests by Ankara for the extradition of Pennsylvania-based Fethullah Gulen, who is accused of orchestrating the failed coup on July 15.

On Tuesday, it was reported that a former Turkish military officer, on a US-based assignment for NATO, was also seeking asylum in the country after being recalled by Ankara in the wake of last month’s attempted coup. While Erdogan made no specific mention of that report, the development had the potential to strain ties between Turkey and the US further.

Speaking to tens of thousands gathered in front of Bestepe Presidential Complex, Erdogan said: "Sooner or later the US will have to make a choice. Either Turkey or FETO (Fetullah Terror Organization)."

"Either coup-plotting terrorist FETO or democratic country Turkey. The US has to make this choice," the Turkish president added as reported by TRT.

Gulen has been accused by Turkish authorities of leading a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police and judiciary.

Turkey's government said the failed coup, which resulted in the deaths of 246 people and left nearly 2,200 injured, was organised by followers of FETO. The bid was thwarted when thousands of people took to the streets, standing defiantly in front of tanks in some instances.

But Erdogan said the threat of another attempt to overthrow the democratically-elected government persisted and urged people to remain 'vigilant', adding "betrayal can come from anywhere and anyone".

He announced the end to weeks of "democracy watch" rallies across Turkey, the daily gatherings which have attracted hundreds of thousands of people who came out in opposition to the foiled July 15 coup. On Sunday, an estimated 5 million people attended a cross party rally, but Erdogan said it was fitting the finale took place in Ankara.