Putin Offers Condolences to Erdogan over Deadly Wedding Blast in Turkey

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday expressed condolences to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the recent explosion that targeted a wedding celebration in the Turkish city of Gaziantep, the Kremlin press service said.

Putin also confirmed readiness to boost anti-terrorism cooperation with the Turkish partners after the explosion in Gaziantep.

"The crime committed in the midst of a wedding celebration astonishes with its cruelty and cynicism. We have once again seen that terrorism does not recognize not only the laws of a civilized society, but also the most basic norms of human morality," Putin said in a letter to Erdogan, Sputnik News reported.

He also confirmed readiness to boost anti-terrorism cooperation with the Turkish partners.

The bombing occurred in the Akdere neighborhood of the province’s Sahinbey district, claiming lives of 50 people. Gaziantep Governor Ali Yerlikaya described the tragic incident as a "terror attack."