Iran Eager to Boost Economic Ties with Venezuela

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed the country’s willingness to maintain and strengthen economic relations with Venezuela.

Speaking at a conference on opportunities for economic cooperation between Iran and Venezuela, held in Caracas on Sunday, Zarif said closer economic relations will deepen the strong political ties between the two countries, both of which have independent polices and stand against the hegemony.

The meeting was attended by two Venezuelan vice presidents and six cabinet ministers, including Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez.

Pointing to a big delegation of Iranian business people accompanying him in his tour of Latin America, Zarif said representatives of the Iranian companies are ready to work with Venezuelan enterprises in the fields of banking services, shipping industry, export insurance, agriculture, as well as in oil and energy industry.

Rodriguez in her address said Caracas seeks closer relations with Tehran, given their active presence in international organizations like OPEC and NAM.

Heading a 120-strong delegation of Iranian business people and economic officials, Zarif travelled to Cuba, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Chile and Bolivia before Venezuela.

According to Iran’s Foreign Ministry, the tour of Latin America signifies Tehran’s plans to boost non-oil exports.