US, France, Germany to Keep Anti-Russia Sanctions Until Minsk Deal Fulfilled

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US, France and Germany are set to keep sanctions on Russia until the Minsk deal envisioning ceasefire in southeastern Ukraine is implemented.

US President Barack Obama, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are set to keep sanctions on Russia until the Minsk deal envisioning ceasefire in southeastern Ukraine is implemented, a White House official told reporters after a meeting between the three leaders on the G20 summit sidelines in China on Monday.

"They agreed on the importance of maintaining sanctions on Russia until Moscow fully implements its Minsk agreement commitments to which all sides must adhere," the official said.

The official noted that Obama, Merkel and Hollande stressed the need for transatlantic unity to solve the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Sputnik reported.

In 2014, relations between Russia and the West deteriorated amid the crisis in Ukraine, where Kiev forces are fighting against pro-independence militia in the country's southeast.

Washington and Brussels imposed several rounds of sanctions on Russia over Crimea's secession from Ukraine and reunification with Russia and Moscow's alleged meddling in the Ukrainian conflict.

Russia has repeatedly refuted the accusations, and warned that the sanctions are counterproductive and undermine regional and global stability.