Saudi Regime Using Petrodollars to Fulfill Israeli Plots: Top Iranian Cleric

QOM (Tasnim) – Senior Iranian cleric Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani slammed Riyadh for its continued crimes against the Muslim people in the Middle East region, saying that the Arab country’s petrodollars is used in line with Israeli plots against Muslims.

“Throughout the history, all monarchies have been fake and that the Al Saud is the trash of the (Iseaeli) regime,” Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani said in a speech in the central city of Qom on Saturday night.

“It (the Riyadh regime) spends its oil and gas money in line with Israeli plots and acts against the teachings of Quran,” the senior cleric noted.

He went on to say that as long as the Al Saud is in power, the situation of the region and Muslims will not change, therefore, the regime should be annihilated, although it is doomed to collapse.

He made the remarks on the occasion of the first anniversary of the deadly crush of people during the last year’s Hajj rituals in Mina, near the Saudi Arabia's holy city of Mecca, which claimed the lives of over 7,000 pilgrims, including 465 Iranians.

The incident marked the worst ever tragedy during Hajj.

Earlier and in a message on the occasion, Ayatollah Khamenei had strongly slammed “murderous” Saudi rulers for refusing to allow an international probe into last year’s deadly Mina crush, urging Muslims to “correctly understand their (Saudis’) blasphemous, faithless, dependent and materialistic nature".

“Several thousand families from different countries lost their loved ones and their nations were bereaved. From the Islamic Republic, close to five hundred people were among the martyrs. The hearts of their families are still broken and bereaved and our people remain grief-stricken and angry," the Leader said.

“Instead of apology and remorse and judicial prosecution of those who were directly at fault in that horrifying event, Saudi rulers- with utmost shamelessness and insolence- refused to allow the formation of an international Islamic fact-finding committee.”