Iran Able to Hit Enemy’s “Vital Interests”: IRGC Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami warned the enemies that their critical interests will be ruined if they dare damage Iran, pointing to the mass-production of missiles with pin-point accuracy.

“We have gained so much power that we can hit the enemy’s vital interests,” General Salami said at a television talk show on Thursday night.

Highlighting Iran’s capability to mass-produce missiles with pin-point accuracy, the commander said those weapons are employed in “places that could potentially threaten the vital interests of the adversaries.”

He also noted that a “a jungle of missiles” have been created inside the country in tunnels, silos and elsewhere that are ready to be fired at any target.

As regards Iran’s progress in military fields, the top officer said the country has “cutting-edge technical expertise” in making drones, comparable to big powers like the US, Russia and China.

According to General Salami, some of those powers are even demanding to have Iran’s defensive and technological achievements in the drone sphere.

The Iranian homegrown pilotless aircraft are able to carry out missions in distances as far as 3,000 kilometers from the Iranian borders, take images, perform military operations and fire rockets and missiles, he explained.

Back in June, IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi described drones as one of the crucial factors contributing to the capabilities of his forces.

Iran is now in possession of a broad range of UAVs which can be used for both civilian and military purposes.

Experts at the IRGC Aerospace Force have already manufactured a homegrown version of the US RQ-170 stealth drone through reverse engineering.

The advanced American aircraft was captured in northeastern Iran in December 2011.