2 Suicide Bombers Blow Themselves Up in Ankara during Police Operation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Two car bombs went off in the Turkish capital, Ankara, after unidentified terrorists blew themselves up in response to calls by police for them to surrender.

According to Ankara’s governor, Ercan Topaca, police were tipped off about the area on Friday. He confirmed there were at least two suspects, one of them a female. They were both identified.

The third suspect is believed to be on the run, police launched a search operation. Around 200 kilograms of ammonium nitrate used for explosives were also found at the scene.

The incident happened on Haymana road on Ankara’s southern outskirts.

The assailants were allegedly preparing to carry out a car bomb attack. The governor said it was so far unclear where they planned to strike. He noted that they tried to disguise themselves, hanging Turkish flags on their car, which had been purchased in the past two days, Russia Today reported.

Topaca also stated that, although it is not yet known whether they were lone wolves or belonged to a terror group, authorities strongly believe the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) may be involved.

On Thursday, ten people were injured in Istanbul when a motorbike bomb exploded near a police station. The attacker was detained the next day, but his motives are not yet clear.

Turkey has witnessed a series of attacks over the past months, with officials putting the blame on either Daesh (ISIL) or the Kurdistan’s Worker’s Party, which it considers a terrorist organization.