Iran Condemns Saudis’ Deadly Attack on Civilians in Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi in a statement strongly condemned Saturday’s deadly airstrikes by Saudi warplanes against civilians in Yemeni capital of Sana’a.

Warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition targeted a crowded funeral ceremony in Sana’a and killed at least 100 people, media reports said on Saturday.

At least nine airstrikes were conducted by Saudi jets on Khamis street in southern Sana’a. The building where the event was underway was seriously damaged in the attacks.

Over 500 people have reportedly been injured but the number of casualties is highly likely to rise.

The funeral was for the father of Jalal al-Roweishan, the interior minister in the Yemeni government.

The Iranian spokesman deplored “the Saudi crimes against humanity” in Yemen, and expressed sympathy with the bereaved families of the victims.

Pointing to one and half year of violence and aggression against Yemeni resisting people, Qassemi blasted the silence shown by the international community about the issue.

He also called for an immediate end to the Saudi aggression against Yemen and the start of serious talks among all Yemeni parties in a bid to end the crisis in Yemen.