Rockets Fired Near Turkish Resort

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Assailants on Friday fired at least two rockets near the Mediterranean resort of Antalya, striking a depot used by a fishing company, news reports said.

Turkey’s Dogan news agency said the rockets were fired from a mountainous area near a highway linking Antalya and the town of Kemer.

The target of the attack may have been tanker truck carrying fuel, the agency said.

Several ambulances and fire-fighting trucks were sent to the scene, some 15 kilometers (9 miles) from Antalya. No one was hurt in the attack

The motive of the attack in an area that is a major tourist destination was not known.

The Antalya governor's office confirmed that an explosion had occurred in the area and said an investigation was launched, AFP reported.

Turkey has been rocked by a spate of deadly attacks by Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) militants or Kurdish rebels.

The country is still reeling from a failed military coup in July, blamed on the followers of US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen.

Earlier reports said the target may have been a tanker ship moored at sea.