Iraq Fully Retakes Town Attacked by Daesh: Officials

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraqi security forces on Tuesday regained full control of a western town that was attacked by Daesh terrorists two days earlier, officials said.

Seeking to draw attention away from an offensive to retake the city of Mosul, Daesh struck the town of Rutba in the country's west and Kirkuk in the north in recent days.

"Our forces completely cleared the town of Rutba," Staff Major General Ibrahim al-Mahalawi said.

An AFP journalist who visited the town confirmed that it was fully back in government hands, as did the local official responsible for the area.

The terrorists attacked Rutba on Sunday, briefly seizing the mayor's office before being pinned back by the security forces but still maintaining control of two neighborhoods.

The extremists executed five Iraqis, including members of the security forces, in the town on Monday, army officers said.

On Friday, dozens of extremist fighters launched a spectacular attack on the Kurdish-controlled city of Kirkuk, killing at least 46 people, mostly members of the security forces.

Iraqi forces are advancing on Mosul, Daesh's last major stronghold in the country, from three sides after announcing the start of the operation on October 17.

Daesh overran swathes of Iraq in 2014 and 2015, but has since lost much of the territory it seized.