Poll: Trump Chipping Away at Clinton's Lead

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In Mike Pence’s words, Republicans are coming home, at least according to a Washington Post-ABC News tracking poll released Friday.

The poll found that Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by just 4 points nationally, 48% to 44%. The Democratic nominee led by 12 points as recently as this weekend.

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson had 4% support and Green Party’s Jill Stein had 1%.

Trump’s jump in support is thanks to Republican-leaning and independent voters.

And the Republican nominee is making up ground with women as well. In the last poll, white women favored Clinton 49% to Trump’s 43%. But in Friday's results, they now back Trump, 48% to 43%.

Trump also leads with political independents by 12 points.

The poll was conducted Oct. 23-26 of 1,150 likely voters, and the margin of error is plus or minus 3 points.

This week, Pence made the case that the party needed to “come home” and coalesce around their ticket, USA Today reported.

Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, tweeted out a dig at the Clinton campaign after the new numbers were released.