French Far-Right Leader Hopes for Trump-Like Win in 2016 Election

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Donald Trump's election win was a victory of the people against the elite, France's far-right National Front party leader Marine Le Pen said Sunday, adding she hoped the French people would follow suit next year.

Opinion polls show Le Pen likely to win the first round of French presidential elections next April but lose the runoff round in May to whoever should be her opponent.

Asked if Trump's victory in the United States made her own election win more likely, Le Pen said: "He made possible what had previously been presented as impossible so it is really the victory of the people against the elite," Reuters reported.

"So if I can draw a parallel with France then yes I wish that in France also the people up-end the table, the table around which the elites are dividing up what should go to the French people," she said.