FBI Reports Hate Crimes against Muslims Surged by 67% in 2015

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – According to the FBI, the number of hate crimes against Muslims increased by 67% in 2015, compared with the year before. There were 257 incident of hate against Muslims in the US compared with 154 in 2014.

Hate crimes overall grew by 6.8% to a total of 5,850 incidents throughout the year.

“I wasn’t surprised to learn that anti-Muslim hate crime statistics spiked in 2015.” said Jordan Denari Duffner, research fellow at The Bridge Initiative, a research project on Islamophobia at Georgetown University. “The official FBI statistics confirmed what many of us predicted – that anti-Muslim acts, many of them violent, were on the rise.”

A report released by the Bridge Initiative in May also found a spike in hate crimes against Muslims in 2015. Brian Levin, the director of Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University San Bernardino, also noted a spike almost identical to that of the FBI’s in a report released last August.

Levin said that Muslims were now the most disdained social group in the US, and have subsequently been subject to widespread prejudice, the Guardian reported.

Hate crimes against Muslims peaked in 2001, following the 9/11 attacks which resulted in 481 anti-Muslim hate crime incidents that year. There have been between 105 and 160 incidents per year since then, until 2015 which was the second highest since reporting began in 1992.

Levin and other experts believe that the attacks have seen an increase due to fear around Islam, driven by terrorist attacks associated with fundamentalist groups such as the Paris attacks or San Bernardino.

“We’re also worried about non-quantitive things,” Levin said. “Like the fact that the militias have made Muslims among their top three targets of disdain.”

Groups, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, have noted that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign created a hostile environment for Muslims. The president-elect called for a ban on all Muslims coming into the country, increased surveillance at mosques, and entertained the idea of creating a Muslim identification database.

Since Trump won the election, there have been several alleged incidents of hate reported on social media, including several incidents in which perpetrators invoked Trump’s name specifically. This includes racist graffiti as well as verbal and physical attacks. Trump told his supporters to stop harassing minorities during his 60 Minutes interview.

Drawing a direct line of causation between Trump’s rhetoric and the spike in hate crimes is difficult. However, Levin notes in his August study that following Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, there were 15 reported hate crimes, an increase on the average of 12.6 per month in the five years prior. However, he also noted that 2015 did not see any increase in anti-Latino hate crimes – it remained unchanged – which is another group that was subjected to hateful speech during Trump’s campaign.

“Politics may play a role but there are many factors, because I think prejudice against Muslims is more fear based, and more widespread than that against Latinos,” Levin said.