Russian Scientists to Visit Iran to Spot Fallen Meteors

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A team of Russian scientists plans to travel to Iran to locate fallen meteors and determine their composition, Professor Viktor Grohovsky of the Ural Federal University said.

"As this is going to be our first expedition into a desert, it won’t be a lengthy one. We need to at least ascertain the conditions and the probability of finding extraterrestrial material there," Grohovsky told Sputnik on Sunday. 

He added, “We hope to establish deep cooperation with the Iranian side, both for the expedition itself and possibly in terms of student exchange”.

"During an annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society in Berlin a group of Russian delegates ended up in the same session with their Iranian colleagues. The report delivered by the Iranian researchers was immediately followed by the report on our work in the Antarctic. That’s how the dialogue started and then we learned of the Loot Desert in Iran where extraterrestrial material can be found. And this is why we decided this year to send an expedition to Iran," the Russian professor further said.

The name of Professor Viktor Grohovsky became widely known around the world when his team became the first to discover and study the remains of the Chelyabinsk meteor which entered Earth’s atmosphere on February 15, 2013.