50 Buses Waiting in Syria’s Kefraya, Foua for Evacuation of Civilians

DAMASCUS (Tasnim) – About 50 buses have entered Kefraya and al-Foua in the Idlib province to evacuate people from the two Syrian towns as part of a deal between Damascus and Takfiri militants.

According to Tasnim dispatches, at least 50 buses made the trip from Syria's eastern Aleppo to the towns of Kefraya and al-Foua on Sunday to take residents, including the wounded and sick, to a safe place.

A new deal is being negotiated to complete the evacuation of militant-held areas of east Aleppo, which ground to a halt on Friday with differing views on whether people should also be moved out of the two Shiite-populated areas besieged by Takfiris.  

Sources suggest that the buses are still waiting to take the residents as the terrorists have been holding up the evacuation of civilians trapped in the besieged towns.

A convoy carrying the first evacuees from Aleppo left the city on Thursday under the exit deal.

The convoy was led by vehicles from the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, followed by ambulances and then green government buses.

The first people to leave were the wounded and sick, and their relatives.

The evacuation comes after a month-long army operation to recapture all of east Aleppo, a rebel stronghold since 2012.
