Saudi Arabia Birthplace of Terrorism: Ex-Iraqi PM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Terrorism originates from Saudi Arabia, said former prime minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki, who hammered Saudi “Wahhabi muftis” as a more dangerous peril as they support terrorist groups and consider other Muslims to be infidels.

Saudi Arabia is the origin of terrorism and can never fight against terrorist groups, Maliki, the current leader of Iraq’s State of Law Coalition, said at a press conference in Tehran on Monday.

“The US and Europe also know that Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of terrorism,” the Iraqi politician noted, adding that Riyadh will have to pay the price for sponsoring terrorism.

He also described Wahhabi Muftis of Saudi Arabia as a more dangerous threat as they not only foment terrorism but also consider other Muslims to be infidels.

He further stressed that Saudi Arabia’s stance on Iran, Syria, Iraq and Yemen could not be called a “policy”, but is more akin to adventurism.

Elsewhere, Maliki hailed Iran for its genuine supports for Iraq in the battle against the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group.

Iran, unlike the other countries, delivered weapons to Iraq immediately after the payments, while others delayed the shipment for months, he went on to say.

Maliki further highlighted the significant role of the Iraqi voluntary forces, known as Hashid al-Shaabi or the Popular Mobilization Units (PMUs) in the fight against Daesh.

He also said that once the mission to liberate the northern city of Mosul from the control of Daesh is over, the Iraqi forces “will be prepared to help the Syrian brothers” in the battle against terrorists.

The Iraqi operation to retake Mosul from terrorists has been going on since October 17, 2016.

The battle for the city began with 30,000 Iraqi soldiers backed by Hashid al-Shaabi and Kurdish fighters. Mosul has been occupied by Daesh since 2014.