French Far-Right's Le Pen Says Brexit Will Have Domino Effect

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen said Saturday that Britain's vote to leave the European Union would have a domino effect across the bloc.

Le Pen, head of the anti-EU, anti-immigrant National Front (FN) and seen by pollsters as highly likely to make a two-person runoff vote in May, has marked out Europe as a major plank in her program with broadsides at the EU and the euro currency.

"We are experiencing the end of one world and the birth of another," she told a gathering of far-right leaders from Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands in the German city of Koblenz one day after US President Donald Trump took office, according to Reuters.

"I don't say every country has to leave the euro... But we have to leave the possibility if a country wants to leave," she added to loud applause, adding that Trump represents neo-liberalism.