Nigerian Police Attack Sheikh Zakzaky's Supporters

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Nigerian police attacked a peaceful protest rally held by Muslims to demand the release of the country’s top Shiite cleric, Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky.

The Wednesday demonstration was met by police action, which included the security forces firing teargas canisters to disperse supporters of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) in front of the National Assembly building in the Nigerian capital of Abuja, Press TV reported.

Chanting slogans and holding banners that read, “Free Zakzaky,” the protesters demanded the release of their leader.

Amnesty International recently called on the Nigerian government to abide by a court ruling that called for an end to the “unlawful” detention of the prominent Muslim clergy. The UK-based rights group said the government in Nigeria could extend Zakzaky’s detention on trumped-up charges in a bid to justify the crackdown on IMN members.

On December 12, 2015, Nigerian soldiers attacked Shiite Muslims attending a ceremony at a religious center in the city of Zaria in the state of Kaduna, accusing them of blocking the convoy of the army’s chief of staff and attempting to assassinate him. The Muslims categorically denied the charge.

The following day, Nigerian forces also raided Zakzaky’s home and arrested the clergyman and his wife after reportedly killing those attempting to protect them.

Nearly 350 members of the Shiite movement were killed in the clashes. The Sheikh was brutally injured and his house was reportedly destroyed by the army in the incident.

After detaining Zakzaky, the Nigerian government stepped up its crackdown on the IMN.

In November last year, nearly 100 IMN supporters were killed when Nigerian forces fired live rounds and tear gas at mourners during a peaceful march ahead of the Arbaeen mourning rituals, which mark 40 days after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), the third Shiite Imam. Authorities also destroyed a number of buildings belonging to the IMN.