Belarusian Parliament ُSpeaker Due in Iran Soon

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The speaker of the Council of the Republic of Belarus, the upper house, plans to pay an official visit to Iran in coming days to hold talks with the Islamic Republic’s senior officials on topics of mutual interest.

Heading a high-ranking parliamentary delegation, Mikhail Myasnikovich will travel to Tehran on Monday, February 6, at the official invitation of Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani.

During his three-day stay in the Islamic Republic, the Belarusian official plans to meet with senior Iranian officials, including Larijani, President Hassan Rouhani, and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, among others.

During the meetings, the two sides will hold talks on a range of issues, including ways to boost cooperation between Tehran and Minsk in various fields.

The visit comes against the backdrop of a new wave of interest in ties with Iran after Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France, and Germany) in July 2015 reached an agreement on Tehran's nuclear program and started implementing it in January 2016.

The comprehensive nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), terminated all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran.

Back in May, Belarusian Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov voiced his country’s willingness to develop bilateral relations with Iran in various economic and political areas.

Speaking at the 13th session of Iran-Belarus Economic Commission in Minsk, Kobyakov praised the long record of cooperation between two countries and the resulting achievements.

He also highlighted the enthusiasm in Eastern Europe for investment in Iran’s diverse areas of industry, including manufacturing trucks, mining and road construction.