Still Early to Predict Trump’s Impact on Tehran-Moscow Ties: Iranian Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s ambassador to Russia said it is too early to make a judgement about whether or how Donald Trump’s presidency would impact Tehran-Moscow relations, adding that the new US president’s stances are still unclear.

Asked about the future of Iran-Russia ties during Trump’s term as US president, Iran’s Ambassador to Moscow Mahdi Sanai told reporters in Tehran on Monday that it is still too early to make a comment.

“Trump has not yet had clear stances, something that even Russian officials emphasize, too” the Iranian diplomat added, saying what has been released about a telephone conversation between the presidents of Russia and the US suggests only general agreements.

On Saturday, the Kremlin issued a readout of a telephone conversation between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump, during which the two leaders expressed readiness to make active joint efforts to “stabilize and develop mutual cooperation on a constructive, equitable and mutually beneficial basis.”

Trump was inaugurated as the 45th US president on January 20. He signed a number of controversial orders during the first week in office.

On January 27, Trump signed an executive order that bars all persons from seven countries, including Iran, from entering the US for 90 days.