Army Retakes Key Area in Syria’s Al-Bab

DAMASCUS (Tasnim) – Syria’s army forces in cooperation with their allies continued to make gains against Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorists on the outskirts of al-Bab and retook a key area in the Arab country’s northern town.

According to Tasnim dispatches, the Syrian army inflicted major losses on the Daesh militants near the airport of Kweyris, near al-Bab, and managed to liberate the nearby Um Arkile town from the clutches of the terrorist group.

The government forces are busy defusing improvised explosive devices (IEDs) left behind by the terrorists.

The latest achievement reaffirmed the Syrian military’s might and prowess to fully liberate the province from the terrorists after retaking the city of Aleppo.

On December 15, Syria announced the liberation of Aleppo, with President Bashar al-Assad praising the victory as “history in the making and worthy of more than the word ‘congratulations’.”

Syria has been gripped by civil war since March 2011 with various terrorist groups, including Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL), currently controlling parts of it.

According to a report by the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the conflict has claimed the lives of over 470,000 people, injured 1.9 million others, and displaced nearly half of the country’s pre-war population of about 23 million within or beyond its borders.