China Judge Blasts Trump as 'Enemy of Rule of Law'

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A top Chinese judge has branded US President Donald Trump a bully and an "enemy of the rule of law" for attacking the US judiciary as China revels in the upheaval gripping the United States.

Trump launched a tirade against US District Judge James Robart for suspending his travel ban on people from seven majority Muslim nations last week, deriding him as a "so-called judge".

He Fan, of the Supreme People's Court of China, likened Trump's criticism to the murder of a judge in China last month.

"A president criticizing judges and bandits murdering judges are all enemies of the rule of law," he wrote on his public WeChat social media page, AFP reported on Tuesday. 

"In a country claiming to be the most democratic and most based on rule-of-law, for a president to lead the charge in scolding judges... makes him no different from a bully without dignity!"

Since Trump's inauguration last month, the official media outlet of the ruling Communist Party has blasted the "systemic crisis" facing capitalist Western democracies, hailing the superiority of China's system.

Trump's threats to get tough with what he sees as unfair Chinese trade practices have sparked fury in Beijing while his Twitter outbursts against the media have prompted scathing commentary in China's nationalist publications.