Russia Warns Other States against Interfering in South China Sea Dispute: Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russia avoids interfering in the territorial dispute around the South China Sea and is warning other states against doing so as such intervention could result in a negative effect, Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov said.

A number of disputed islands, including the Paracel Islands and the Spratly Islands, are located in the South China Sea. Beijing’s territorial claims to the Spratly Islands, known as the Nansha Islands in China, which are believed to be rich in oil and gas reserves, run counter to those of the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and Vietnam.

"Our position regarding the territorial disputes in the South China Sea has not changed and cannot change. It cannot change as it is a balanced, verified and logical position… We are not interfering in these disputes and we are warning others against such interference," Denisov told reporters, according to Sputnik.

According to the ambassador, any external interference will have a negative effect, as a third party is unable to maintain neutrality is a specific regional dispute and will only complicate the issue.

"We appreciate this high level of partnership with all participants of these discussions — China, Vietnam and other Southeast Asia states. And we intend to continue this line," Denisov said, adding that Russia is ready to help create a favorable atmosphere for solving such issues.