Iran Sole Source of Stability, Sanity in Region: US Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Had the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran not taken place, the entire region from the Nile to Euphrates rivers would today be called Israel, American political analyst Mark Glenn said, describing Iran as the only source of stability and sanity in the Middle East.

In an interview with Tasnim, political commentator and anti-Zionist activist Mark Glenn highlighted the “resuscitative, rehabilitative, and rejuvenating” impacts of Iran’s Islamic Revolution on the region, noting that the magnitude of such achievement has been appreciated more by Zionism and imperialism than the Arab states living under the yoke of the West.

Mr. Glenn, from Idaho, is a writer and co-founder of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, an interfaith forum dedicated to uniting Muslims and Christians against Zionists.

The following is his comments on the Islamic Revolution, whose 38th victory anniversary will be celebrated in Iran on Friday. 

Tasnim: Following the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran has been the only country in the Middle East standing against the US and pursuing independence. What’s your view on such Iranian paradigm of countering the US hegemony? Has the Islamic Republic of Iran succeeded in promoting that model and enlightening the international community about Washington’s policy of interference?

Glenn: Unfortunately, the only entities that appreciate the significance of what Iran achieved in 1979 are those powers arrayed around the twin ideologies of Zionism and imperialism, i.e. Israel, the US, the UK, etc. The rest of the countries in the Middle East, and particularly those Sunni Arab countries who suffer the daily tragedy of living their lives under the thumb of Western and Zionist oppression, who more than anyone else should embrace and emulate what Iran achieved, nevertheless have fallen into the ideological traps laid for them by Israel and the West in pitting Shiite against Sunni. In this fashion, rather than viewing the real enemy for what it is --Zionism and western imperialism-- instead these countries have allowed themselves to be mired in the useless, self-defeating business of viewing their ally as their enemy and vice versa.

What Iran achieved in 1979 has no doubt frightened the evildoers down to the very core of their being and had doubtless kept them awake at nights worrying that its resuscitative, rehabilitative, and rejuvenating effects will be spread thrift the region, leading to liberation after liberation of those various countries currently held captive by western and Zionist black magic.

Tasnim: What approaches do you think the hegemons have adopted to hinder the spread of that Iranian anti-arrogance paradigm in the Middle East?

Glenn: On the political front,  the US and Israel have basically bullied other countries, and particularly those in Europe and the Middle East, into adopting an adversarial posture when dealing with Iran rather than allowing the natural flow of commerce and of political discourse to take place. Besides this, the aforementioned artificial ‘Clash of Civilizations’ between Shiite and Sunni/ Arab and Persian has been cultivated for the purpose of dividing and conquering those that if they were otherwise permitted, would cast aside such divisions in return for unity of culture, religion, society, and politics in the face of a far away foe that relentlessly seeks the destabilization and destruction of the region.

Tasnim: What could have happened without the revolution in Iran and in the absence of the Iranian ideology of countering arrogance? How do you think the regional and international situation would be shaped in that case?

Glenn: Had 1979 not taken place, I personally shudder to think of what would exist in the region.  Iran has been the only source of stability and sanity in the region, and had she not been there, the entire region today from the Nile to Euphrates rivers would today be called Israel.