Al Khalifa Unable to Douse Fire of Bahraini Revolution: Rights Activist

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Bahraini human rights activist slammed the Manama regime for its heavy-handed crackdown on the people of the Persian Gulf country and said the continued clampdown indicates that the regime has failed to “douse the fire of the revolution”.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Ibrahim Al-Madhoun said those who have followed the developments in Bahrain are aware that the Bahrainis’ revolution has continued for six consecutive years despite the heavy-handed crackdown on peaceful demonstrations.

“The heavy clampdown, which we have witnessed recently, signals that the Al Khalifa regime has failed to put out the fire of the revolution,” he noted.

The activist further said there are some promising developments in the region that show the Bahraini revolution will emerge victorious.

The remarks came as the Bahraini people from all walks of life continued demonstrations in most cities of the Persian Gulf country on Tuesday on the six anniversary of the popular uprising in the Arab kingdom.

Bahraini security forces attacked rallies on Tuesday morning. the Al Khalifa regime’s security forces fired tear gas to disperse and suppress the people participating in the rallies.

The uprising in Bahrain began on February 14, 2011. Protesters initially called for political reforms and a constitutional monarchy. However, the demand later changed to an outright call for the ouster of the Al Khalifa family following its brutal crackdown on popular protests.

Scores of people have been killed in the crackdown and security forces have arrested hundreds including doctors and nurses. Dozens of demonstrators have also been sentenced to jail terms for attending street protests.