Spider's Spinning Inspires New Space Materials

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The unique spinning technique used by the venomous American brown recluse spider could inspire scientific developments and improve materials used in space travel, scientists suggested.

One of the most feared and venomous arachnids in the world, the American brown recluse spider has long been known for its signature necro-toxic venom, as well as its unusual silk. Now, new research offers an explanation for how the spider is able to make its silk uncommonly strong.

Researchers suggest that if applied to synthetic materials, the technique could inspire scientific developments and improve impact absorbing structures used in space travel.

The study, published in the journal Material Horizons, was produced by scientists from Oxford University's Department of Zoology, together with a team from the Applied Science Department at Virginia's College of William & Mary. Their surveillance of the brown recluse spider's spinning behavior shows how, and to what extent, the spider manages to strengthen the silk it makes.

From observing the arachnid, the team discovered that unlike other spiders, who produce round ribbons of thread, recluse silk is thin and flat. This structural difference is key to the thread's strength, providing the flexibility needed to prevent premature breakage and withstand the knots created during spinning which give each strand additional strength.

"The theory of knots adding strength is well proven. But adding loops to synthetic filaments always seems to lead to premature fiber failure. Observation of the recluse spider provided the breakthrough solution; unlike all spiders its silk is not round, but a thin, nano-scale flat ribbon. The ribbon shape adds the flexibility needed to prevent premature failure, so that all the microloops can provide additional strength to the strand," Professor Hannes Schniepp from William & Mary explained.

By using computer simulations to apply this technique to synthetic fibers, the team were able to test and prove that adding even a single loop significantly enhances the strength of the material.