Chinese Foreign Minister Meets US Secretary of State in Germany

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi met US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday on the sidelines of a meeting of foreign ministers of the G20 top economies in the German city of Bonn.

The pair met to exchange views on two-way ties and issues of mutual concern, Xinhua New Agency added in a brief report that gave no other details.

In a phone call with Chinese leader Xi Jinping last week, US President Donald Trump changed tack and agreed to honor the "one China" policy, a major diplomatic boost for Beijing, which brooks no criticism of its claim to self-ruled Taiwan, Reuters reported.

It was the first call between the leaders since Trump took office four weeks ago.

However, several areas of disagreement between the two countries, such as currency, trade, the South China Sea and North Korea, were not mentioned in public statements on the telephone conversation.