Trump Calls Audience Member onto Stage at Rally

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US President Trump pulled a supporter onto the stage at a rally on Saturday, praising the man whom Trump said had been there since 4 am that day.

Speaking to crowd at an airport in Melbourne, Fla., Trump pointed to a man in the audience that he said had been interviewed on television earlier.

"You, I just saw him on television. He said 'I love Trump; let Trump do what he has to do.' That's my guy, right there," Trump said, the Hill reported.

The president then called the man up to the stage. The man thanked the president, saying of Trump's campaign promises, "I knew he was going to do this for us."

"A star is born," Trump declared once he returned to the microphone.

"I can't say Secret Service was thrilled with that," he added of bringing the supporter on stage.