Senior Lawmaker Underlines Russia’s Support for Palestinians

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Vice Speaker of the Russian State Duma Sergey Nikolayevich Baburin stressed his country’s continued backing for Palestinian people in their anti-occupation struggle.

“Russia always supports Palestinians in their struggle for restoring their rights,” Baburin said Tuesday in an address to the 6th International Conference on Palestinian Intifada.

He added that al-Quds (Jerusalem) should be the capital of Palestine.

“Peace in the Middle East is achieved only when the issue of Palestine is recognized,” the senior Russian parliamentarian further stated.

He also urged that the people of Palestine should stand up as long as it takes for restoring their rights and should not let Israel build settlements on their occupied lands.

The international conference was opened in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Tuesday morning.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei was the keynote speaker at the opening of the gathering.

Around 700 foreign guests, representatives of pro-Palestinian organizations, and senior officials from some 50 countries, including 18 parliament speakers, are taking part in the two-day conference.