Russia Condemns Terrorist Attack in Syrian Homs

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russia strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Syria’s Homs on February 25, where at least 34 people were killed and several dozen were injured, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a comment published on the ministry’s website on Sunday.

"Actions of the kind should have appropriate rigorous assessment, and organizers and sponsors - should be punished accordingly," the statement reads.

The foreign ministry said it is necessary not to allow implementation of the terrorists’ aspirations for undermining efforts made by the international community in Astana and Geneva to provide lasting ceasefire in Syria and to begin progress towards political settlement in Syria by means of a wide intra-Syrian dialogue and negotiations on the basis of the UN SC Resolution 2254, Russian Tass News Agency reported.

On Saturday, Jabhat al-Nusra’s militants (outlawed in Russia) attacked headquarters of the governmental forces in Syria’s Homs (165km from Damascus). The Syrian authorities reported the guard had repelled the attack and did not allow the terrorists inside the building. However, terrorists exploded the bombs they were carrying.