Iraqi Forces Retake Turkish Consulate in Mosul after about 3 Years under Daesh

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iraqi army recaptured the Turkish consulate general in Mosul more than two years after it fell to Daesh as the terror group overran Iraq’s second largest city, Iraqi forces told Rudaw on Tuesday morning.

The consulate is located at Dur Al-Dhubat Caddesi next to Al-Shekban Mosque in western Mosul. It is  between al-Tayyaran district, recaptured on Feb 26, and the fourth bridge of Mosul that came under the control of the Iraqi forces this week.

When Daesh captured Mosul in June 2014 it seized the Turkish consulate, holding 46 Turks and three Iraqis, hostage. All the hostages were released in September 2014.

American-led coalition warplanes bombed Daesh positions at the consulate in Mosul with Ankara's consent in April 2016.