Pakistani Naval Fleet to Dock at Iranian Port City Tomorrow

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A flotilla of warships from the Pakistan Navy will arrive in Iran tomorrow and berth at the southern port city of Bandar Abbas.

The Pakistani mission comprising Navy ships Tippu Sultan and PNS Jurrat will call port at Bandar Abbas on Sunday, March 12, for a three-day visit, local reports said.

The Pakistani Task Force is commanded by the Commander 18th Destroyer Squadron, Commodore Mirza Foad Amin Baig whereas Pakistan Navy Ship Tippu Sultan is commanded by Captain Shafqat and Jurrat is commanded by Lt Commodore Alamgir, Pakistan’s APP reported.

The Iranian and Pakistani naval forces have recently boosted their cooperation and staged joint drills on various occasions.

On September 27, 2016, an Iranian fleet of warships berthed at Pakistan’s southern port city of Karachi to attend a joint naval relief and rescue drill with Pakistani naval forces.

Four vessels and a helicopter attended the drill on behalf of Iran, including Lavan logistic warship, Falakhan and Khanjar missile-launching vessels and Konarak warship.

Also in April 2016, two warships of the Pakistani Navy docked at Iran’s southern port of Bandar Abbas for four days.