Over 1,300 Syrian Settlements Join Ceasefire Regime

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The number of settlements in Syria, which joined the ceasefire regime, has increased to 1,341 and one ceasefire agreement was signed over the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said Sunday.

According to the document, the negotiations on joining ceasefire regime have been continued with field commanders of detachments of armed opposition in the Aleppo, Damascus, Homs, Hama, and al-Quneitra provinces, Sputnik reported.

"Within last 24 hours, 1 ceasefire agreements have been signed with representatives of al-Suemra in the al-Suwayda province. The total number of inhabited areas, the leaders of which had signed reconciliation agreements, has reached 1, 341," the ministry's center for Syrian reconciliation said in a daily bulletin.

"Within last 24 hours, the government troops have liberated 19.8 square kilometers [12.3 square miles]. The government troops have liberated 3,086.5 square kilometers [1,917 square miles] since January 1, 2017," the bulletin said.

No new armed formations of the Syrian opposition have joined the ceasefire regime over the past 24 hours, the bulletin said.

Russian representatives in the Russian-Turkish commission on the Syrian truce have registered three violations of the ceasefire regime over the past 24 hours.

"Within last 24 hours, the Russian party of the Russia-Turkey Commission on violations of the Joint Agreement has registered 3 cases in the provinces of Damascus (2), and Hama (1). The Turkish party has registered 7 cases of ceasefire violations in the provinces of the Damascus (3), Daraa (1), Latakia (1), and Hama (2)," the ministry's Center for Syrian reconciliation said in a daily bulletin.

According to the document, the Russian side cannot confirm any violations registered by Turkey.

The nationwide Syrian ceasefire that came into force on December 30 is backed by Russia and Turkey; it has been holding up in general, despite continued reports of violations. The UN Security Council passed a resolution in December supporting the effort.