Le Pen Regains Leading Positions in 1st Round of French Election: Poll

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Far-right National Front (FN) party leader Marine Le Pen’s chances to win in the second round of the French presidential election increased both against independent candidate Emmanuel Macron and The Republicans' candidate Francois Fillon, an OpinionWay poll showed Monday.

Le Pen is projected to gain 38 percent of the votes in case she stands against Macron, which is a 3-percent increase, compared to a Friday survey.

Last week, Macron caught up with the National Front leader in the polls, with both expected to receive 26 percent of votes in the first round. However, the recent survey showed that the level of support for Le Pen has increased by 1 percent, while dropping by 1 percent for Macron, with his support rate amounting now to 25 percent.

In case Le Pen's rival in the run-off elections is Fillon, she is still expected to lose, receiving 43 percent against Fillon's 58 percent. However, since Friday the positions of the far-right politician rose by 2 percent, Sputnik reported.

As regards the first round of election, Le Pen regained leading positions and is expected to receive 27 percent of votes.

The first round of the French presidential election is slated for April 23, with the run-off between the top two candidates to take place on May 7.