Astana Talks May Work Out Paper on Int'l Cooperation on Demining Palmyra

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The new meeting on Syria in Astana can result in a paper on international cooperation in demining Palmyra and preserving its cultural heritage, a source at the talks told Sputnik Tuesday.

Sputnik also learned that a paper on the Organization of Demining of the Historic Part of Palmyra is being worked on at the current consultations.

"Demining of Palmyra is one of the key topics on the agenda. International cooperation on it can take shape," the source said.

The ancient site of Palmyra is registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The paper that is being considered at the talks proposes joining efforts of the three ceasefire guarantor states — Russia, Turkey and Iran — as well as the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) and the United States and Jordan, in coordination with the Syrian authorities, in demining the historic part of the city.