Syria Army Recaptures Key Area in Hama

DAMASCUS (Tasnim) – Syria’s army and its allies continued their military campaign against terrorist groups in Hama, managing to liberate a key district in the western province.

According to Tasnim dispatches, Syrian forces on Thursday recaptured the village of al-Batish and its hill in the vicinity of Helfaya in Hama’s northern countryside.

Dozens of militants were killed and several of their vehicles destroyed in the clashes.

Reports also suggest that fierce clashes are still underway in Helfaya- Ma’ardes direction.

In a separate development, foreign-backed Takfiri terrorists targeted the besieged towns of Foua and Kefraya in the northwestern province of Idlib with mortar rounds and claimed the lives dozens of civilians.

The attacks also left large groups of people in the Shiite-majority towns wounded.

Additionally, Takfiri groups affiliated to al-Nusra Front launched an offensive against army positions in Latakia, attempting to establish a foothold in the northwestern province.

Also, the army troops claimed the lives large groups of al-Nusra Front terrorists in the province of Daraa after they attempted to sneak into the areas Daraa al-Balad and al-Lajat areas in the northwestern countryside of the province.

Over the past almost six years, Syria has been fighting foreign-sponsored militancy. UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura estimated in August that more than 400,000 people had been killed in the Syrian crisis until then. The UN has stopped its official casualty count in Syria, citing its inability to verify the figures it receives from various sources.