Syria Attack Sign of US Political Confusion: Iranian General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Head of the Strategic Center of the General Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi described the recent US attack on a Syrian army airbase near the west-central city of Homs as a sign of Washington’s strategic and political confusion.

 “The Americans have recently been showing a striking contradiction in words and deeds, which is an indication of US rulers’ political confusion,” General Vahidi said on Friday.

The US government proclaims that fighting Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) is its primary concern, but it is in fact siding with Daesh and other terrorist group and serving their interests in the region, he added.

Referring to the Pentagon’s first direct attack against Syria since the beginning of the conflict in 2011, the Iranian general described the offensive as “coordinated” with terrorists and said it showed that Washington “still supports terrorism in the region.”

General Vahidi said the US has not yet learned lessons from its previous mistakes in the region, Iraq in particular, stressing that the recent attack proved that the US officials are still pursuing the previous wrong path.

The Islamic Republic of Iran will continue its unequivocal support for the Resistance Front in the region in its battle against terrorism, the Iranian general further said, adding that the US government will face the consequences of its decisions in the near future.

The US military attacked the Syrian government’s Shayrat Airfield near Homs with 59 Tomahawk missiles on Friday morning, Syria time.

Officially announcing the strike, US President Donald Trump claimed that the targeted airfield had launched a Tuesday chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib.

The Syrian government has strongly denied responsibility for that attack.