Residents of Foua, Kefraya Get Permanent Residence in Latakia, Homs (+Photos)

DAMASCUS (Tasnim) – The displaced residents of Foua and Kefraya who were recently transported out of the two Syrian towns as part of an evacuation deal between the government and militants have been given fixed abodes in the provinces of Latakia and Homs.

According to Tasnim dispatches, they were evacuated from their temporary shelters in the district of Jibreen, on the outskirts of the northern city of Aleppo, on Tuesday to take up residence in Latakia as well as the city of Hisyah in central Homs province.

Last week, thousands of militants and their families were expected to leave the towns of Zabadani and Madaya near the Lebanese border for Idlib, while some 8,000 of people were supposed to leave Foua and Kefraya for government-held areas after Damascus and the militant groups reached the deal mediated by Iran and Qatar.

5,000 out of 8,000 people were moved out the two Shiite-populated areas and finally settled in their new dwellings. However, some 3,000 more civilians are still in Foua and Kefraya and are expected to be evacuated after a one week delay.

Foua and Kefraya are the only government-held enclave in Idlib’s militant-held area.

The towns of some 20,000 people have been under siege since 2013. The humanitarian situation remains dire, with a lack of food and basic necessities.