Pakistan Security Important for Iran: FM Zarif

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a meeting with Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan Sardar Ayaz Sadiq underlined that Iran attaches importance to security in the neighboring country.

“Pakistan’s security is of great significance for the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Zarif said in the meeting, held in Tehran on Saturday.  

He also hailed the “very good” relations between Tehran and Islamabad in all fields, saying Iran is ready to further develop the ties in political, economic, security and parliamentary spheres.

“We are ready to export electricity and (natural) gas to Pakistan and would welcome Islamabad’s participation in the project to develop the Chabahar Port,” he went on to say.

Tehran has plans to turn the port city of Chabahar, located in the Gulf of Oman on the border with Pakistan, into a transit hub for easier access to markets in the northern parts of the Indian Ocean and Central Asia.

India and Afghanistan have already signed an agreement with Iran to contribute to the development of the port.

The Pakistani speaker, for his part, hailed the “brotherly and friendly” ties with Iran and said the two countries share views on establishment of peace and stability in the region and the need for unity in the Muslim world.

Zarif and Sadiq also stressed the necessity for jointly combating terrorism and extremism.