Kremlin Comments on Trump’s Decision to Sack FBI Chief

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Kremlin spokesman says Trump's move to fire the head of the FBI is "the US president’s independent decision, which has nothing to do and should have nothing to do with Russia"

US President Donald Trump’s decision to dismiss FBI Director James Comey will not affect relations between Russia and the United States, that’s Washington’s internal affair, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said when asked how this decision again raising the issue of Russia’s alleged involvement in the US election, could affect the bilateral ties.

Donald Trump said in a message posted on his twitter account on Wednesday that "James Comey will be replaced by someone who will do a far better job, bringing back the spirit and prestige of the FBI."

"We hope that it will not affect them at all. That's the United States’ internal affair. That’s the US president’s independent decision, which has nothing to do and should have nothing to do with Russia," Peskov said, TASS news agency reported.